Innovation Working Groups

Innovation Working Groups


The primary purpose of the Innovation Working Groups (IWGs) is to develop innovative opportunities that will support sustainable economic development and job creation, diversification and prosperity for Yarram and district.

The core task of the IWG is to develop, test and refine the proposition for an innovation opportunity. Its outputs will be feasibility studies, business cases, or other appropriate documents to build and support a case for investment and funding for the initiative.


Membership will include people with specific interest and expertise in innovating for regional growth and will come from:

  • Yarram and District community

  • Local businesses and industry partners

  • Education and research organisations

  • Local community organisations and representatives

  • Local, regional, and state government representatives

  • Traditional Owners and First Peoples from Yarram and district

IWG Terms of Reference

IWG Expression of Interest

Innovation Working Groups

  • Strzelecki Koala

    The Strzelecki Koala IWG is working to increase visitors and bring jobs to Yarram and region with an exciting new eco-tourism experience – a koala conservation and hospital, education and research facility and visitor centre.

    If we build a Strzelecki Koala conservation centre to protect the koala and its genomic integrity and habitat while educating and conducting research, we will generate employment, community pride, and international recognition.

  • Working Holiday Makers

    The Working Holiday Makers IWG is undergoing review, and some exciting developments are being considered.

    We look forward to sharing more soon…

  • Outdoor Recreation

    The Outdoor Recreation IWG is exploring Yarram’s significant tourism assets and the potential for Yarram to be a cycling destination.

    By positioning Yarram as the ‘start’ of the Great Southern Rail Trail we have a great opportunity to build a community-owned asset, create local jobs, repair and repurpose bikes, upskill community, upgrade cycling infrastructure, and offer curated cycling experiences.

  • Creative Yarram

    The Creative Yarram IWG works to produce and leverage existing creative assets to draw visitors to the region.  Yarram and district is home to a highly active creative arts community. 

    Yarram attractions include a multi-award-winning street art trail, the Tarra Festival, the spectacular Regent Theatre, Courthouse Gallery, Chalk Art Festival, Rotary Art Festival, Writers’ Festival, and other curated art experiences. 

Entrepreneurial Discovery Process

How were the IWGs Established?

Throughout July 2023 Entrepreneurial Discovery Workshops were held in Yarram to explore four of the Innovation Opportunities identified in the Yarram and District Context Analysis Report:

  • Strzelecki Koala

  • Working Holiday Makers

  • Outdoor Recreation

  • Creative Yarram

At the conclusion of these workshops, support was received to progress all four opportunities to the next stage: Innovation Working Groups (IWGs).

The Working Groups began in November 2023 and will continue through to October 2026, or until the projects are complete.